Who do I think I am?

My name is Darcy Lynn or Mysterious Dweller by the Waterfall. The name Darcy means dark but more like mysterious. I am a seeker of  hidden meanings to life’s mysteries. Lynn means lake or waterfall. I dwell by the waterfall as I seek out those mysteries. As deep calls to deep in the roar of the waterfall I open myself up to all the revelation offered me there.

“Lighten up, brighten up, stand up and be counted” is the life rule that my University of Victoria professors of Family Systems Therapy gave me at the end of my fourth year of the School of Child Care. I was burdened down by depression during those years. I didn’t have any direction and had been deeply wounded.

A few months after I graduated I met my husband, Maurie. Incredibly, my husband’s name also means dark. Maurie is a derivative of the name Moor. We didn’t know that our names meant the same thing when we met, but were pretty blown away that Divine Providence had brought us together without us even trying. As I write this, only months ago, Maurie, at the age of 65, went onto eternity. It’s only me left to seek here on earth now. I know he watches on, lives in my heart and is my eternal friend. I will meet him again and that’s what gets me through the grief and loss I feel in his absence.

This blog is a place to share my journey. What I have learned and what I continue to be amazed by as I go along this path of life. I like history and genealogy. I desperately want to help people to be healed of their trauma. I’m passionate about the quest for the meaning of life and why we’re all here on earth. I love creation and I love the Creator. My hope is that I can provide you with help and healing for your soul through sharing my story.

Love and Mercy!



6 thoughts on “Who do I think I am?

  1. Pierre Lagacé

    Could you correct the typo on the comment I have just made on one of your posts…?

    See what you have dtone..,
    Your comment led me to this great post that I just commented on, and I reblogged it on Our Ancestors.

    See what you have DONE..,
    Your comment led me to this great post that I just commented on, and I reblogged it on Our Ancestors.

    I am a retired teacher and I don’t want my former students to know about this typo…


  2. sf

    Me too. I too wish that I could say that I’m an artist, photographer, writer, or musician. But instead, I’m still clueless as to my gift(s). Oy. Am currently on the hunt for a job, now that my schooling (AA degree) is done. Sigh. Such a long road, which I wish I could see a nearby end to. Guess that’s where good ‘ole faith comes in. Have a wonderful weekend, Darcy!

    1. Yep, the walk of faith is being sure of what we hope for. It’s difficult to wait for what we hope for, isn’t it? I guess maybe some of us have talents that are not so easy to define.
      Sorry for my ignorance but what is an AA degree? What kind of job are you looking for?
      It’s great to hear from you. Thank you for commenting on this post. It’s a pleasure to chat with you here in the blogosphere. I hope you have a great weekend too!

      1. sf

        Yes, it sure is sumthin’ to be able to “talk” to folks from all over the world here on WordPress. So different from Facebook, where you know (or sometimes don’t know) those on your Friend List.
        Oh, no problem about not knowing what AA is. Cuz heck, I didn’t even know what was what in regards to college either, until I went back this time around. An AA is an Associate’s in Arts degree, which is a 2 year degree, instead of a Bachelor’s, which is 4 yrs. But sometimes (don’t know why) some Associate’s degrees are also AS degrees, which stands for Associate’s in Science. I was able to finish an Associate’s degree in both Human Resources Management and Supervision & Management. The crazy thing is that the first one is considered AS and the second one is an AA, although both are in the same category of being under Business Administration. So that just even confused me even more. Haha! Ya know, I think I shall post about this today. Thanks so much for bringing this subject up, which will help me to make a mini-post. But as you may have noticed, my “mini-posts” don’t end up being quite mini at all. Aye, one day I hope to learn how to stop meandering in my posts.

      2. Thanks for educating me about the names of the different degrees. Now I don’t have to feel so silly. I thought one of the As must be about Arts, but wasn’t sure. Congratulations on completing the AA degree.
        Look forward to your mini-post on this! Hope you have a great weekend and week!

  3. Lois Austin

    This is all very interesting to me….all of the comments.
    Thanks everyone for your comments.
    Hope you all are having a great week!

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